Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Today is my 37th birthday and my 8 year anniversary......I am spending the day working...Yeah, but I wanted to save my vacation time for going to Cali......10 more days til we are on a plane to California.....I can't wait. Me and Eric are going to do something this weekend, probably just a movie and dinner or something...
Eric and Josh are not going with me to Cali this time, Eric can not get off work and Josh has baseball that he doesnt want to miss so it will just be Savannah me and my niece is graduating on the 14th I think sothat isthe main reason we are going, and i just NEED a vacation......It will be so goodto get away.
I am so tired......... I havent slept good in 2 nights and its catching up with me, Iamready for
Have a great day
Eric and Josh are not going with me to Cali this time, Eric can not get off work and Josh has baseball that he doesnt want to miss so it will just be Savannah me and my niece is graduating on the 14th I think sothat isthe main reason we are going, and i just NEED a vacation......It will be so goodto get away.
I am so tired......... I havent slept good in 2 nights and its catching up with me, Iamready for
Have a great day
Monday, May 29, 2006
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Well let's see if this works.... Today we went to my moms, all of us but Eric, he was hung over and didnt want to go hang out with us..... It makes me so mad to make plans and then he drinks the night beofre and there goes that, I end up doing whatever by myself, but thats ok cause he's the one missing out not me....
Anyhows on a different note....Heather gave me my letter already for this new game and I have done all myhomework I am just waiting to get a couple pics scanned, and I forgot to do it at my moms today, cause I dont know what is wrong with our scanner....
Today we bbq'ed and swam I had a fun day.
Here's a few pics!!

Josh doing what he is not supposed to be doing, jumping off the deck...My mom has a cow when people jump off of

Me throwing Savannah up in the air....she loves it

My nephew Daniel showing off his muscles and
Have a great week.....
Sunday, May 28, 2006
This weekend we had another baseball tournament, now for the season we are 9 and 3, which I think is pretty decent....But when it comes to tournaments, i am sorry to say we
We had 2 games yesterday and lost both, one game this morning and lost, and now in about a half an hour we have another game. I hope we win, it gets the boys so down when they lose.
I dont usually get to watch to much of the game because Savannah runs around everywhere like a wild woman, but this morning and yesterday morning I have got to watch them because she is still asleep so Eric has been staying home and sleeping in with her, so that has been nice to actually get to sit down and just watch the game win or lose.
Tomorrow we are going to my moms (unless we win this game coming up, then we have to play tomorrow too), for a BBQ and to swim and to just hang out.
Here are some pics from the gam
es this weekend....

We had 2 games yesterday and lost both, one game this morning and lost, and now in about a half an hour we have another game. I hope we win, it gets the boys so down when they lose.
I dont usually get to watch to much of the game because Savannah runs around everywhere like a wild woman, but this morning and yesterday morning I have got to watch them because she is still asleep so Eric has been staying home and sleeping in with her, so that has been nice to actually get to sit down and just watch the game win or lose.
Tomorrow we are going to my moms (unless we win this game coming up, then we have to play tomorrow too), for a BBQ and to swim and to just hang out.
Here are some pics from the gam

Friday, May 26, 2006
Hey everyone my friend Donnas' daughter Krista has joined us in blogging and has posted her first WW and FFF, lets show her some love guys....stop by and say Hi if you have some time....Thanks
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tonight I was at Walmart....(like every other day), and I found a little box of CD's in the kitchen section, all sorts of them, so I bought 2, the BBQ master and a Pillsbury Best of the Bake-offs, they were on clearance for $3.00...can't beat that.. I love to BBQ, Eric on the other hand hates it (don't think I know ant other man that hates to BBQ) but I am always making the same things, steaks, burgers, chicken, this CD has over a 1,000 recipes flavoring ideas, how to take care of your BBQ... I can't wait to check it out, this summer I will become the BBQ Does anyone have any good tips or recipes?
Well 1 more day and then a long weekend......whoa
by the way Heather has a cool new game on her blog...check it out
I am looking forward to getting my letter !!!
Tonight I was at Walmart....(like every other day), and I found a little box of CD's in the kitchen section, all sorts of them, so I bought 2, the BBQ master and a Pillsbury Best of the Bake-offs, they were on clearance for $3.00...can't beat that.. I love to BBQ, Eric on the other hand hates it (don't think I know ant other man that hates to BBQ) but I am always making the same things, steaks, burgers, chicken, this CD has over a 1,000 recipes flavoring ideas, how to take care of your BBQ... I can't wait to check it out, this summer I will become the BBQ Does anyone have any good tips or recipes?
Well 1 more day and then a long weekend......whoa
by the way Heather has a cool new game on her blog...check it out
I am looking forward to getting my letter !!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
This email is inform you that your child did excellent work in class:
Class: Physical Science
Assignment: final Exam
Date: 5/18/2006
Score: 100%
I would encourage you to praise your child for this work. I hope this level of achievement can continue. If you would like to discuss this,please feel free to contact me with the information listed below.
This is the email I received today.....I am so happy but at the same time frustrated because I know how smart he is and I know he can do it, I just don't know why he doesnt.....
Way to go Josh!!!!!!!!!!! Hes got a that a boy coming.....ey
Totaly spaced off WW I will continue next week.
Josh has a game tonight so I will be watching the last 5 minutes of American Idol that ill have to tivo..... But I think Taylor has taken the title this year.... We'll see
Have a great day....
Class: Physical Science
Assignment: final Exam
Date: 5/18/2006
Score: 100%
I would encourage you to praise your child for this work. I hope this level of achievement can continue. If you would like to discuss this,please feel free to contact me with the information listed below.
This is the email I received today.....I am so happy but at the same time frustrated because I know how smart he is and I know he can do it, I just don't know why he doesnt.....
Way to go Josh!!!!!!!!!!! Hes got a that a boy coming.....ey
Totaly spaced off WW I will continue next week.
Josh has a game tonight so I will be watching the last 5 minutes of American Idol that ill have to tivo..... But I think Taylor has taken the title this year.... We'll see
Have a great day....
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
When it rains pours!
This term has come out of my mouth alot lately.....Things have been kind of stressful for me
lately....We are down a car, so every morning I have to get up and take Eric to work by 7:00 then take Savannah to my moms and the opposite side of town then take Josh to school and then go to work. It just burns me out. We are trying to save for a new car for Eric, but it just seems things keep coming up, we had to replace something in the air conditioner yesterday, last week was Joshs yearbook $125.00 (am I the only one that thinks that is ridiculous), Summer clothes for the kids, my trip to Cali next month, it just goes on and on....Then thursday is Josh's last day of school. And I already told him I am not going to have the money like we did last year for you to go do stuff everyday, and that makes me feel like crap cause I know how boring summers can get and I know he wants to hang out with his friends....Anyhow I am getting a second job and Eric has been working overtime to help out, and slowly things are falling back into place...Then this morning (at my work a lady comes on Tues and Thur to sell like salads and soups, sweets stuff like that) and we were talking and she said she needs to find someone to help her to carry all the stuff in and out of her van cause she is having surgery tomorrow, and that she just needs someone for 2 or 3 months......Perfect I thought, so I said what about Josh, so I am going to talk to Josh tonight, its only from 7:30 to about 10:30 or 11:00 so he has the whole rest of the day to do what he wants, he'll have spending money for the summer, he will learn the value of a dollar, cause he has no clue as of now. And I wont be waking him up at noon everyday like last summer. That bugs me worse then anything when they play video games ALL day or sleep ALL day. So that is my wo0nderful news today, my son will be working this summer...Yeah!!!
This term has come out of my mouth alot lately.....Things have been kind of stressful for me
lately....We are down a car, so every morning I have to get up and take Eric to work by 7:00 then take Savannah to my moms and the opposite side of town then take Josh to school and then go to work. It just burns me out. We are trying to save for a new car for Eric, but it just seems things keep coming up, we had to replace something in the air conditioner yesterday, last week was Joshs yearbook $125.00 (am I the only one that thinks that is ridiculous), Summer clothes for the kids, my trip to Cali next month, it just goes on and on....Then thursday is Josh's last day of school. And I already told him I am not going to have the money like we did last year for you to go do stuff everyday, and that makes me feel like crap cause I know how boring summers can get and I know he wants to hang out with his friends....Anyhow I am getting a second job and Eric has been working overtime to help out, and slowly things are falling back into place...Then this morning (at my work a lady comes on Tues and Thur to sell like salads and soups, sweets stuff like that) and we were talking and she said she needs to find someone to help her to carry all the stuff in and out of her van cause she is having surgery tomorrow, and that she just needs someone for 2 or 3 months......Perfect I thought, so I said what about Josh, so I am going to talk to Josh tonight, its only from 7:30 to about 10:30 or 11:00 so he has the whole rest of the day to do what he wants, he'll have spending money for the summer, he will learn the value of a dollar, cause he has no clue as of now. And I wont be waking him up at noon everyday like last summer. That bugs me worse then anything when they play video games ALL day or sleep ALL day. So that is my wo0nderful news today, my son will be working this summer...Yeah!!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I had a great weekend.....
Friday night we had a baseball game, and then again yesterday afternoon..and we won both was so hot, those poor kids out there in those hot uniforms...
Then saturday night me and Eric spent then evening talking and laying around we watched a movie....It was great it had been a long time since we have done that...Things are kind of stressful right now so it felt good to just hang out....
Then today me and Savannah spent the day out in the sun, playing in the water, it was 101 degrees today, and the motor on the pump to air conditioner is broken......WONDERFUL...
so what better way to stay refreshed...And I love just sitting in the sun relaxing....

OK mom when I am sitting in the water table its time to break down and go buy one of those little pools.....LOL
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!
Friday night we had a baseball game, and then again yesterday afternoon..and we won both was so hot, those poor kids out there in those hot uniforms...
Then saturday night me and Eric spent then evening talking and laying around we watched a movie....It was great it had been a long time since we have done that...Things are kind of stressful right now so it felt good to just hang out....
Then today me and Savannah spent the day out in the sun, playing in the water, it was 101 degrees today, and the motor on the pump to air conditioner is broken......WONDERFUL...
so what better way to stay refreshed...And I love just sitting in the sun relaxing....

OK mom when I am sitting in the water table its time to break down and go buy one of those little pools.....LOL
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Favorite Foto Friday

This is my friend Summer, me and Michelle when I was out in Cali last year...wish it would have turned out better but it was late and dark so it didnt turn all that clear.. This year I will not get to see Michelle because they have moved to Washington....Im gonna miss ya guys...

This is my friend Summer, me and Michelle when I was out in Cali last year...wish it would have turned out better but it was late and dark so it didnt turn all that clear.. This year I will not get to see Michelle because they have moved to Washington....Im gonna miss ya guys...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Well for starters I had a great weekend.....Friday night my niece was born....Anastasia Michelle..Well here is the scoop we hope it is my nephews, she cheated on him with his best friend and now they are together, so we are not sure who the dad is. (what a soap opera) I am hoping it is Daniels though. It is so hard to tell when they are so small. But heres some pics of her and the 2 dads in question....Feel free to give me your opinion on who you think she looks

I had a wonderful Mothers Day, spent the day with the kids and my mom, very relaxing. I missed church though and this is really the opnly day I can get my whole family to go with me, so that kinda bummed me out. I got some great gifts and breakfast in bed....then we went out to dinner with my mom. Great day I must say.
Then last night I would say about 8 or so, I heard something hit my window so I got up and went outside and the sky was black and the wind was blowing so hard it was throwing rocks and dirt everywhere.....This lasted about 5 or 10 minutes then it was blue skies again......strange

Well I hope you all had a great weekend and a very nice Mothers Day..

I had a wonderful Mothers Day, spent the day with the kids and my mom, very relaxing. I missed church though and this is really the opnly day I can get my whole family to go with me, so that kinda bummed me out. I got some great gifts and breakfast in bed....then we went out to dinner with my mom. Great day I must say.
Then last night I would say about 8 or so, I heard something hit my window so I got up and went outside and the sky was black and the wind was blowing so hard it was throwing rocks and dirt everywhere.....This lasted about 5 or 10 minutes then it was blue skies again......strange

Well I hope you all had a great weekend and a very nice Mothers Day..
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006

We had a great, baseball, baseball....
Josh was in a tournament this weekend in El Paso. We all got hotel rooms out there, we split up the kids to 4 per room, and 1 coach in each room, the rooms were nice, they had 2 queen beds and a pull out bed in the couch. Anyway we lost every game, the boys are undeafeated for the season so far, so I dont know if they went in with big heads or what but we lost every game......
I had a blast, it was so nice out, I got a little burnt but not too bad.
Well hope you all had a great weekend....
Don't cry Josh we'll get em' next
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I have been taking a serious look at myself the last 2 days........and I don't like what I see...
I am a very impatient person, at the store, in the car, where ever.. Yesterday I was at walmart and this lady was flying through the isle, she rammed in to me ( and she did say sorry ) but she was just cutting everyone off, and Savannah was with me and I told her you have to ignore some people sweetie they are rude, maybe there mommy did not teach them manners. and I thought to myself...Bitch. Then I got up to the isle that she was in and she was holding a bag for a little girl (i assume hers) cause she was throwing up....I felt about an inch tall. And I thought why do I do that. Why am I so negative like that all the tme. I hate driving, I am always flipping people off and yelling at them, of course noone hears but me, but it gets me worked up....I have serious road
I have friends, not too many, but the ones I have I would not change for the world, but I am just not a social butterfly, unlike Eric who talks with everyone and is the life of the party. When I was young I choose not to make friends cause I moved around alot in high school, and when I knew I was moving again I thought why, why make new friends just to have to leave them again so I was just a loner. And I think I am still stuck in that frame of mind.
Anyway the 2nd thing happened today, my cousin Joyce was killed this morning in a car accident. The last time I talked to her was 14 years ago. Her parents died when she was very young and my great grandma dropped everything to raise her, and she lived with her until she was in her 30's, my great grandma was in her 90's and couldnt be left alone anymore, Joyce received a huge amount of money from her parents and she never spent it. To me if you have the means and can do it, take care of your mom or grandma or whoever, we knew she was going to die soon, but she wouldnt quit her job and take care of her, she put her in a home and 3 days later she died. In that 3 days she never even went to see if she was ok. So I said thats it I don't want to talk to her anymore. Now I am feeling guilt I guess, was I just being a bitch, why do i get like this.....I dont know.
My best friend of 23 years and I havent talked in 6 months because I got angry and instead of confronting her I just stopped talking to her, how do I take that back..I miss her so much and I am not even mad anymore, I guess its just pride or something, I feel stupid so I just continue to not talk to her.. Garth Brooks has an awesome song called if tomorrow never comes...and thats what it is about, if tommorow never comes will she know how much i love her, did I try in everyway to show her everyday that shes the only one......etc and I wish that everyone lived life like that, so why dont I....
Well thanks for the ear, it helps to write sometimes, I love writing in my journal....
Have a great day
I am a very impatient person, at the store, in the car, where ever.. Yesterday I was at walmart and this lady was flying through the isle, she rammed in to me ( and she did say sorry ) but she was just cutting everyone off, and Savannah was with me and I told her you have to ignore some people sweetie they are rude, maybe there mommy did not teach them manners. and I thought to myself...Bitch. Then I got up to the isle that she was in and she was holding a bag for a little girl (i assume hers) cause she was throwing up....I felt about an inch tall. And I thought why do I do that. Why am I so negative like that all the tme. I hate driving, I am always flipping people off and yelling at them, of course noone hears but me, but it gets me worked up....I have serious road
I have friends, not too many, but the ones I have I would not change for the world, but I am just not a social butterfly, unlike Eric who talks with everyone and is the life of the party. When I was young I choose not to make friends cause I moved around alot in high school, and when I knew I was moving again I thought why, why make new friends just to have to leave them again so I was just a loner. And I think I am still stuck in that frame of mind.
Anyway the 2nd thing happened today, my cousin Joyce was killed this morning in a car accident. The last time I talked to her was 14 years ago. Her parents died when she was very young and my great grandma dropped everything to raise her, and she lived with her until she was in her 30's, my great grandma was in her 90's and couldnt be left alone anymore, Joyce received a huge amount of money from her parents and she never spent it. To me if you have the means and can do it, take care of your mom or grandma or whoever, we knew she was going to die soon, but she wouldnt quit her job and take care of her, she put her in a home and 3 days later she died. In that 3 days she never even went to see if she was ok. So I said thats it I don't want to talk to her anymore. Now I am feeling guilt I guess, was I just being a bitch, why do i get like this.....I dont know.
My best friend of 23 years and I havent talked in 6 months because I got angry and instead of confronting her I just stopped talking to her, how do I take that back..I miss her so much and I am not even mad anymore, I guess its just pride or something, I feel stupid so I just continue to not talk to her.. Garth Brooks has an awesome song called if tomorrow never comes...and thats what it is about, if tommorow never comes will she know how much i love her, did I try in everyway to show her everyday that shes the only one......etc and I wish that everyone lived life like that, so why dont I....
Well thanks for the ear, it helps to write sometimes, I love writing in my journal....
Have a great day
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006

This is what I came home to was wonderful. Every day its the same thing i walk through the door, Eric is on the computer and Savannah is watching Dora, and Josh is at baseball practice. Today he had no practice so when I drove up this is what I saw.......

The other thing is does anyone know anything about box turtles? We always had a California land tortouise in Cali, but now we have box turtles, and they hibernate where out other one didn't, and they dont eat apples and greens and grapes like out other one did, they eat grasshoppers and meal worms.eeeeeeewwwwww
Anyway last year we had 1, and it went into hibernation from Nov. to March, this year we have 2 and they went in in Oct. and are still not awake, they will wake up for like a day or so but then dig their way back under for a about a week. I need to look it up cause they are confusing


well my weekend was not too bad, was at the baseball field most of it. And this weekend we are going to Texas for a tournament, so that is what this weekend will consist of too.
Sunday I took my mom out for lunch and a little shopping for her b-day. i tried to change some stuff on my blof this weekend, yeah didnt work....i just dont have the time to sit down and play with it, myspace is so easy and its not so time consuming...
Savannah can sing twinkle twinkle little star now, she is so funny cause I have never met a child that doesnt like to be sung to or read to, she hates it, if you sing to her she will throw a fit, and i can never get passed the first 2 pages in a book and she leaves or will start skipping pages. The other night we were eating dinner and she starts singing crinkle crinkle star, how you are....i grabbed my video camera it was so cute, so even though she hates it I guess shes still learning from
Well hope you all had great weekends and enjoy your week....
Looking forward to AI tomorrow, does anyone know what they are sionging this week.
I will be so more then happy to watch it this week, cause Kelly is gone...........thank god
Sunday I took my mom out for lunch and a little shopping for her b-day. i tried to change some stuff on my blof this weekend, yeah didnt work....i just dont have the time to sit down and play with it, myspace is so easy and its not so time consuming...
Savannah can sing twinkle twinkle little star now, she is so funny cause I have never met a child that doesnt like to be sung to or read to, she hates it, if you sing to her she will throw a fit, and i can never get passed the first 2 pages in a book and she leaves or will start skipping pages. The other night we were eating dinner and she starts singing crinkle crinkle star, how you are....i grabbed my video camera it was so cute, so even though she hates it I guess shes still learning from
Well hope you all had great weekends and enjoy your week....
Looking forward to AI tomorrow, does anyone know what they are sionging this week.
I will be so more then happy to watch it this week, cause Kelly is gone...........thank god