I think my daughter is going to be a slob....lol
This is a picture of her room tonight 4 hours after i picked it up and put them all away, she does not like for her toys to be organized or in the toy box.....The good thing is everynight she helps me put them away, no fussin, just the next dau it is like this again....

And she loves to lay on Joshs work out bench for some reason, if you can't find her thats where she is....

My son seems to be going through a growth spurt, Eric is 6'1" and Josh is gonna be taller then him, Jason was 6' even, but then theres my brother...he's 6'7" lets hope hes not that tall..

Tomorrow night my friend Amandas cousin will be in town so we are going to take her to the meat market from hell, Grahams Central Station, it has 4 different dance rooms all with different types of music, and although NONE of us that are going want to go there, she doesnt have a club from where she is from just little hole in the wall bars and only 2 at that...little ity bity town, so we are all gonna just go and make a night of it and have a fun girls night out...its been awhile I am looking forward to it.
Tonight me and Savannah went to see Cars at the dollar movies (well 2.50 now) but you still cant beat that. Cheap entertainment, she likes that movie, Eric will not however go with me cause he says its a gheto movie theatre and I am gheto cause i put snacks in my purse....just a little poll, how many people sneak snacks in and how many think its gheto?
And someone help me why cant i post a picture with the caption underneath then another picture with writing underneath, why does it put it up on the sides and everywhere else I dont want it.
Have a great weekend .... Long weekend at that.....WwwwwwwHhhhhhOoooooAaaaa