Joshs new hobby....
I really had a great time tonight, Eric , me Savannah, my nephew Daniel and our friend Mark went to cheer on Josh and his friends Chris and Norbert in their very 1st race. It was called Induro, and there are no rules..smash into the other people, spin them out. The car they had they bought on their own for 50.00 and put it together basically, Yeah its a piece of crap but its their piece of crap. They put in everything from the engine to welding the roll bar in. They went to school today and asked for donations from everyone from the principal and teachers to other kids and got 87.00 for gas, and at the last minute one of Norberts grandpas friends donated a set of used tires but it was better then nothing. They have learned everything they know from Norberts grandpa who has his own shop so thats where they got all the tools. But anyway i am proud of the boys it was a 200 lap race and although they only made it 36 laps , they had a blast and thats what counts. They did come back out after fixing a few more things but only for 3 laps.
My mom was freaking out on me are you crazy what if something happens.
Ya know I really must say I didnt feel that which I usually do, But I borrowed a helmet a really good one from a guy that has raced for 13 years, they put in a roll bar, they had fire reatardent (whatever its called) suits on, seat belts worked great. I was at ease ...
Here are some pics.....

dude that looks like so muched fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I would love to race around and run in to people,thats how I spent part of my high school years.lol
If there is anything we can do to support him let us know.
great pics. looks like everyone had a lot of fun. yeah!
When I saw the pics I so thought it looked like the Demo Derby! Sounds like the same kinda deal. We used to watch it at the Lake Perris Fair every year. There is some $ to be made there!
OMG! I know my girl would love it but er...I'm not too sure about that Debby but sure looks like fun ya!
Sounds like fun. LOL. Great pics!
So proud of him for fixing it up and making as far as he did. do we have the Next Ricky Bobby LOL:) no that is so great I can not wait for steve to come home so he can see these. have you told him about it yet.and wow how grown up and handsome is he getting Are the girls busting down the doors yet.
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