One of my biggest fears is FIRE !!!!
My friend called me this morning to tell me she was evacuated from her home last night in San Diego, Ca ... These fires are out of control, I would be so scared... Hundreds and hundreds of homes have burnt down, more then 250,000 people have been evacuated. I didnt want to get into it too much with her cause she was realy freaked out, she is a single mom with 3 kids and she is such a strong person i am so proud of her the way she has taken control of this. Would I just take my kids and go, would I grab things that are important, and at that point they gave her 15 minutes to get out, what would i grab...these are the kinda of things i didnt want to ask her. I am not sure what I would do. I guess have each one of my kids grab what is important to them, toys wise, sentamental things, clothes, and I would get photos, a trunk that I have all my momentos in and some clothes I guess. I guess when it comes down to it you gain composure and do what you have to do....
Fire has always been a big fear of mine, I remember when Josh was about 6 years old, and I was doing laundry, and I found burnt matches in his pants, I had a talk with him and he admitted to taking matches that he had found outside and trying to burn a plant. They say all kids are interested in fire, but it really scared me to think what could have happened. I called my friend Steve and he said that when he was small his mom took him to the fire department and told them that he had been playing with matches....So that's what I decided to do, I took him down to the fire department and the man that was talking with Josh was about 6 ft 7" or so, deep voice, he had us both crying, he showed a film to us about what could happen if a fire gets out of control, and then told me ma'am you make sure if you catch your boy playing with fire again you bring him back down here and you dont bring him to anyone you bring him to ME.... I was like Yes sir'...The film was kind of graphic and I think it really set him straight about fires, they then took him out on the truck and drove him around and let him slide down the pole that whole bit, so it was a good lesson learned....
Eric on the other hand when he was small he was in his bedroom and was hiding under then bed doing something and he couldnt see so he lit a candle, well that white cloth like material that is under the bed caught on fire and burned fast, he got so scared he went in and cuddled up with his mom who was sleeping, she woke up to the smell, got them out of the apartment but by then it was too late and the apartment burned down, he said he was probably 5 when it happened.....SO he is a little freaked out about fires too....
I hope my fire adventures are over and I dont have to go through something like that with Savannah, but Steve's advise was the best and I would do it again, I also advise my friends to do the same if something like that happens with there kids....
My friend is in our prayers and I hope she can return home safely soon, and I hope they gain control of these fires soon before too many more loose their lives or their homes.