This weekend was really busy, Saturday i took savannah to the park and to lunch,washed my van..inside and out, baked some cookies, me and Josh both worked Saturday night, came home and relaxed and watched a movie...Next with Nick Cage, ya know i used to like him alot now i just think he's kinda weird. it was an ok movie. Sunday got up went to church, did some yard work and me and Josh went to work.
Did some cleaning when I got home so hopefully i won't have to Wednesday so i can start cooking Wed. night. The big thing out here is deep frying the turkey, and you can not have bigger then a 20 pounds, and there is hardly ever any left overs, so i am going to do a seperate turkey just for left overs for everyone. I got a couple great recipes for stuffing and cranberry compote off of my favorite channel Food Network, so I cant wait to try those. What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? We are going to my moms and then out to Clovis for Friday and Saturday to see Eric's sister Tasha and nieces that will be out there from Cali and i will also get to see my friend Stacey, its been awhile since i have saw her. So I am looking forward to that, it is about a 5 hour drive.
On Friday we went to Thanksgiving lunch that Savannah's school put on, here are a couple pictures.
And I will have to take a picture of her writing her name, she can write the whole thing now, I am soooooooo excited, she still has a little trouble with the S but a little more practice and she will have it down.

Here are a couple pictures of Savannah, her new thing is being a cheer leader....
We have been going to NMSU games and then we have went to a couple high school games this year so she wanted some pom poms......She is a little to girly girly for me, i was more a tom boy, played softball that kind of thing. I guess we are all our own person...But that's a good thing!!!!

Well I hope you all have a Wonderful Thanksgiving....
I cant wait to see pics................