Thursday, March 30, 2006
I have been on a diet now for 6 weeks, I have lost 17 pounds....the last week I have not been doing very good on it and last night I had the sweet tooth from hell, I went to the store and bought a cheesecake, I brought it home and sliced a piece for me and Josh, then I went to put it in the fridge and SPLAT...... right on the floor it went....Now is this the ultimate sign or what, so as of today I am back on my diet, I hope to lose another 40 pounds by June, when we go to Cali for vacation, so I can go to the beach and not embarress my kids or my self....
I took Savannah to get her hair cut yesterday....I will post pics later, but I had it all chopped off, she hates for us to brush it, she will pull out barretts or if I put a ponytail, whatever it is she will rip it out, and I am tired of it looking like a birds nest.... Eric wasn't too happy but ya know he'll get over it.
If you have some free time head on over to Heathers blog, she is not having all that great of a day and right before there vacation (which is stressfull its self getting everyone ready), I think she could use some positive words from us right now.....We love ya Heather.
I took Savannah to get her hair cut yesterday....I will post pics later, but I had it all chopped off, she hates for us to brush it, she will pull out barretts or if I put a ponytail, whatever it is she will rip it out, and I am tired of it looking like a birds nest.... Eric wasn't too happy but ya know he'll get over it.
If you have some free time head on over to Heathers blog, she is not having all that great of a day and right before there vacation (which is stressfull its self getting everyone ready), I think she could use some positive words from us right now.....We love ya Heather.
Monday, March 27, 2006
I went yard saling this weekend and bought this table and chairs for $2.00, This is the before and after shot , Savannah loves it, She loves the Dora part she is so hooked on Dora right now. I also decided to paint her room...Here are a couple pics of Josh and her helping me out.
I had a very productive weekend, I got alot done.
Friday me and Eric spent the day with the kids, Alex could not make it, I was kinda bummed....but we had a great time, we went out to eat for breakfast, Josh wanted to go to the driving range and hit some balls..might I add what a great stress reliever this is.Then we went shopping. Josh wanted to go to the comic store after that, so I dropped him off and went to walmart and thats when I got the idea to paint Savannahs room, she has never really had a little girls room, its always been like a catch all room, we had an extra futon in ther and a dresser that the bottom drawer was broke, so I threw all that stuff. I will post some pics when I get through with it, I am almost done.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and I hope you have a wonderful week.
I had a very productive weekend, I got alot done.

Friday me and Eric spent the day with the kids, Alex could not make it, I was kinda bummed....but we had a great time, we went out to eat for breakfast, Josh wanted to go to the driving range and hit some balls..might I add what a great stress reliever this is.Then we went shopping. Josh wanted to go to the comic store after that, so I dropped him off and went to walmart and thats when I got the idea to paint Savannahs room, she has never really had a little girls room, its always been like a catch all room, we had an extra futon in ther and a dresser that the bottom drawer was broke, so I threw all that stuff. I will post some pics when I get through with it, I am almost done.

Thursday, March 23, 2006
I can't wait for tomorrow.....
I took tomorrow off so I can spend the day with my 2 beautiful kids and I get to meet and hang out with Alex, Josh's girlfriend. Well I met her real fast at her b-day party when I dropped Josh off and we have talked on the phone several times, we have 1 thing in common well 2, we both love American Idol, and we both think Chris from American Idol is a hottie pototie. We are going to linch, doing a little shopping and going bowling.
On saturday The City is doing a little thing at the park, family fun day... So I was thinking about taking Savannah, Josh isn't much into that stuff anymore, makes me feel old and makes me depressed, my baby doesn't want to hang out with me anymore.
And sunday all I have planned is church, it's been months since I have been so it's time.
Well have a great weekend...
I took tomorrow off so I can spend the day with my 2 beautiful kids and I get to meet and hang out with Alex, Josh's girlfriend. Well I met her real fast at her b-day party when I dropped Josh off and we have talked on the phone several times, we have 1 thing in common well 2, we both love American Idol, and we both think Chris from American Idol is a hottie pototie. We are going to linch, doing a little shopping and going bowling.
On saturday The City is doing a little thing at the park, family fun day... So I was thinking about taking Savannah, Josh isn't much into that stuff anymore, makes me feel old and makes me depressed, my baby doesn't want to hang out with me anymore.
And sunday all I have planned is church, it's been months since I have been so it's time.
Well have a great weekend...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
A little more practice is needed with Picasa, I havent used it in along long time....Not all the pics posted but a few did.....ill see what I did wrong later my honey is having withdrawls from being off the computer for a 1/2 an hour....
Hope your having a great weekend..
Hope your having a great weekend..
Saturday, March 18, 2006
I still can not download pics.........
It is driving me crazy, although I havent spent to much time trying to find out why, I am just gonna go back to the Picasa thing I guess....
Things have been real quiet around here lately....Savannah is talking so much...I love it. I did have to take her to the hospital yesterday though, She was screaming and crying it started about 6:30 am and she kept holding her stomach saying it hurts me, so after a half hour i said thats it im taking her in, I called Eric and he met me there, she wouldnt use the bathroom in the big potty, so they decided to put in a catheder (cant spell) but I took her one more time and she did a tiny bit but it was enough she said so thank god they didnt have to do that, they took some xrays and tested her urine to see if she had a bladder infection but she didnt, she just had to go Potty, my daughter has this huge problem with her stools, but we are going to change her diet up a little bit and see if that helps, she eats way to much meat and wont touch the rest of her plate so i am eliminating meat from her diet for a while.
Josh is gonna start baseball soon, i love baseball season....the only thing i dont like is i never have time to cook and we always eat out, and i started my diet 4 weeks ago this monday and i have lost 14 pounds. I do a cycle class twice a week but i think i need to walk more.
We have something really scary going on here in Las Cruces the last couple weeks, there are 2 guys acting like police and pulling girls over that are alone, they have sirens and lights on their car, they have badges are asking the girls to get out of the car and they are raping them and beating them, this has happened 3 times in the last 2 or 3 weeks the last 3 girls were pulled over but they took off or wouldnt stop. The police here have told us that NO unmarked cars are allowed to pull anyone over until this is solved and if you are getting pulled over and do not have a cell phone to call to make sure its ligit then put on your hazzards and keep driving to either a lit area or the police station. This 3 girl was beaten until she was unconcious, and to the point where her face and head will be permanetly disfigured, and it was 2 blocks from my house. They are also only around 1 and 2:00 oclock in the morning. Well get them hopefully before it happens again.
Well this weekend much like last is crappy, weather is aweful, we couldnt even take the kids to the carnival because of the wind and cold. So nothing planned for the weekend....
Hope you all have a great one, be safe and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!111
It is driving me crazy, although I havent spent to much time trying to find out why, I am just gonna go back to the Picasa thing I guess....
Things have been real quiet around here lately....Savannah is talking so much...I love it. I did have to take her to the hospital yesterday though, She was screaming and crying it started about 6:30 am and she kept holding her stomach saying it hurts me, so after a half hour i said thats it im taking her in, I called Eric and he met me there, she wouldnt use the bathroom in the big potty, so they decided to put in a catheder (cant spell) but I took her one more time and she did a tiny bit but it was enough she said so thank god they didnt have to do that, they took some xrays and tested her urine to see if she had a bladder infection but she didnt, she just had to go Potty, my daughter has this huge problem with her stools, but we are going to change her diet up a little bit and see if that helps, she eats way to much meat and wont touch the rest of her plate so i am eliminating meat from her diet for a while.
Josh is gonna start baseball soon, i love baseball season....the only thing i dont like is i never have time to cook and we always eat out, and i started my diet 4 weeks ago this monday and i have lost 14 pounds. I do a cycle class twice a week but i think i need to walk more.
We have something really scary going on here in Las Cruces the last couple weeks, there are 2 guys acting like police and pulling girls over that are alone, they have sirens and lights on their car, they have badges are asking the girls to get out of the car and they are raping them and beating them, this has happened 3 times in the last 2 or 3 weeks the last 3 girls were pulled over but they took off or wouldnt stop. The police here have told us that NO unmarked cars are allowed to pull anyone over until this is solved and if you are getting pulled over and do not have a cell phone to call to make sure its ligit then put on your hazzards and keep driving to either a lit area or the police station. This 3 girl was beaten until she was unconcious, and to the point where her face and head will be permanetly disfigured, and it was 2 blocks from my house. They are also only around 1 and 2:00 oclock in the morning. Well get them hopefully before it happens again.
Well this weekend much like last is crappy, weather is aweful, we couldnt even take the kids to the carnival because of the wind and cold. So nothing planned for the weekend....
Hope you all have a great one, be safe and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!111
Sunday, March 05, 2006
GREAT WEEKEND SO FAR......This has been a good weekend so far. Yesterday I took Savannah to the parade that they were having for the troops that came home the other day...She just sat there and waved at everyone, there was a couple times she tried to run out into the street, but all in all she did real good. Then we went to the church to eat, they were selling Taco plates to raise money for the guy at work, his son is in the hospital in Albequerque, he found out about a week ago he has leukemia and its gonna be awhile before they can come home so they are having to stay in a hotel and eat out all the time which can get really expensive, so the church had a huge yard sale and sold the Taco plates and raised $1600.00 for him. And then Josh ahd a scrimage (I guess thats how you spellit) a practice game. Why do parents get so riled up over games, it wasnt even a real one and unfortunatly it was me thinking to myself we gotta kick there butts...Josh was on the other team 2 years ago and that coach and his wife were such asses. Well we tied the game. Then we went to a baby shower, the girls had one and the boys had a pamper party and then after everyone got together at their house to bbq and drink. Well we are good friends with him but I dont know her too well, she might come over with him for like 10 or 15 minutes and then she always makes up some excuse and leaves. We all got together last weekend and had a bbq at the park, she wasnt even there 5 minutes and left, she has just really never got to know any of us, so all us girls that our husbands hang out with him we didnt want to go to hers we would have rather gone to his party. Thnak goodness Joshs game started at the same time so we just went to the bbq afterwards and we brought her in a gift she didnt even say thank you she said go call MArk cause if I have to open one more gift im gonna barf, i just thought ok, so Mark came in and opened it, and one of the gifts was just a joke because Eric is a huge Dallas fan and Mark is a huge Eagles fan, so we got the baby a little Dallas cheerleaders outfit, he thought it was funny and she was just irritated by the whole thing, she says like hes really gonna let her wear that, I said it was just a joke ill give you the receipt and you can get whatever you want in its place. Then she says oh like I dont have enough to do already, I just went outside, I didnt say anything, she already hates us anyways (well Eric atleast) cause he called her Lisa.....her name is Cindy..oops
And then today I have nothing to do but clean and relax, was gonna go to church this morning but I woke up with a headache.
I still can not download my pictures I havent really sat down and played with it so thats something else I can do today because I have a crap load of pics to post.
Well I hope you are all having a great weekend. Ill check out all your blogs a little later.
Til the next time be safe and have fun
And then today I have nothing to do but clean and relax, was gonna go to church this morning but I woke up with a headache.
I still can not download my pictures I havent really sat down and played with it so thats something else I can do today because I have a crap load of pics to post.
Well I hope you are all having a great weekend. Ill check out all your blogs a little later.
Til the next time be safe and have fun