Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
In Albuquerque they were digging to put in a new subdivision. In the last week or two they have found 13 bodies of girls. In the paper today it had an add on how these families were never helped, some turned away from the police stations and news stations because of some of the things the missing girls had done. All of them were into drugs and all of them were into prostitution. It doesnt matter....Now that they are finding all these bodies they are posting pictures and stories about them. These girls were still human beings, still had families, still were parents. Yeah they lived lifestyles that i could never imagine for myself and certainly could never imagine anyone in my family or even my daughter living, but ya know some times things dont always go our way, sometimes people get into doing things they had never intended on getting into....I will say it again these girls are human beings and their families got no help because they were not blonde haired, blue eyed, straight A students. There is only one that can judge us....and it's not you...or you....or you.
My heart goes out to these families.
In Albuquerque they were digging to put in a new subdivision. In the last week or two they have found 13 bodies of girls. In the paper today it had an add on how these families were never helped, some turned away from the police stations and news stations because of some of the things the missing girls had done. All of them were into drugs and all of them were into prostitution. It doesnt matter....Now that they are finding all these bodies they are posting pictures and stories about them. These girls were still human beings, still had families, still were parents. Yeah they lived lifestyles that i could never imagine for myself and certainly could never imagine anyone in my family or even my daughter living, but ya know some times things dont always go our way, sometimes people get into doing things they had never intended on getting into....I will say it again these girls are human beings and their families got no help because they were not blonde haired, blue eyed, straight A students. There is only one that can judge us....and it's not you...or you....or you.
My heart goes out to these families.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello everyone...
It has been awhile...Me and the family are doing well, the holidays were great, All my nieces and nephews were here....I loved it.
This weekend I went for a 5 mile hike with Eric and some friends, even though Eric and my friends husband griped and complained the whole way there...They thanked us after and told us how much they enjoyed it...There are some buildings up there, a old hotel from 1909 and a sanitarium that was built in 1897...Here are some pics....I will be catching up with all of you and checking out your blogs......
Hope you had a great weekend....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So I went to the doctor yesterday.....
I guess I have high blood pressure, have never had it before, it doesn't run in my family. So she put me on meds....and told me to come back in 3 weeks. She asked me nothing about my diet, nothing about if I exercise. So I got to thinking and I asked if I could speak to her again, and I waited for 45 minutes and nothing. I love my doctor and have never questioned her. But I have been stressed the last 2 months, I haven't been exercising, I eat WAY too much salt. So I am thinking do I really want to be on meds...NO. I hate taking medicine. Should I for the next 3 weeks watch what I eat, start exercising again, and not take my meds, and then after the 3 weeks of trying if I can not control it then go on meds.....Whatcha think?
I guess I have high blood pressure, have never had it before, it doesn't run in my family. So she put me on meds....and told me to come back in 3 weeks. She asked me nothing about my diet, nothing about if I exercise. So I got to thinking and I asked if I could speak to her again, and I waited for 45 minutes and nothing. I love my doctor and have never questioned her. But I have been stressed the last 2 months, I haven't been exercising, I eat WAY too much salt. So I am thinking do I really want to be on meds...NO. I hate taking medicine. Should I for the next 3 weeks watch what I eat, start exercising again, and not take my meds, and then after the 3 weeks of trying if I can not control it then go on meds.....Whatcha think?
Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday was Savannah's first soccer game...............we LOVED it....It is so much fun watching the little ones....kick it in the wrong goal, telling the other team how cute they are, running around holding hands......Took me back to Josh's T-ball days, the first time he hit the ball he ran to 3rd.......It is so much fun....and she loves it.....Her team is the Penguins....Here are some pics...
Hope you had a wonderful weekend....
Thursday, September 11, 2008

7 Years ago today is a day that will forever be emblazoned in our hearts and minds.
Today remember to honor the innocent victims that lost their lives, remember to honor the firefighters and policeman called to the scene. For those heroes that lost their lives to save another. I think it is awesome how in times of crisis Americans can put aside their differences and come together as one. God Bless America and God Bless our Troops.