Well after all my grumpiness wore off, which didn't take long, I had a wonderful Christmas, my brother Larry and his wife Jean came out, and my nieces came out...We actually had 3 Christmas', Christmas Eve at my moms with my brother who had to leave back to California Christmas morning, then Christmas at my house on Christmas day, and the my nieces got in late Christmas day so we then had Christmas at my moms again with my nieces on the 26th.
My son got me a new dining room set for Christmas I thought I was going to cry a river, I sold mine when we moved to NM and never went out and got another one, which they enjoy sitting around the tv eating dinner, and I have always been the family sits at the table person,he tells me they are still sitting around the tv to eat dinner though......NAH
Here are some pics from Christmas.....
Well New Years Eve is today and although Eric wants to go out, I have never been one to celebrate the New Year, I would rather stay at home with the family and be safe.
So it might just be Savannah and I, Eric will probably go out and Josh is in LOVE right now so whatever his girlfriend wants to do he will probably do.
I am not much of a resolution person either, however this year I have a couple, to start going to church more, im lucky to go once a month right now, and to eat healthier, which since I had my daughter my resolution has been to go on a diet, never works passed a month or so, but I fiugre #1 if Curves is taking money out of my bank account every month I might as well make use of it and #2, we are eating as a family far too much junk and fried foods, so meals will be for now on on the healthy side, and it will be easier since I stopped working 2 jobs.
I hope you all have a very SAFE and FUN New Years....
I'll be looking for pics.

My son got me a new dining room set for Christmas I thought I was going to cry a river, I sold mine when we moved to NM and never went out and got another one, which they enjoy sitting around the tv eating dinner, and I have always been the family sits at the table person,he tells me they are still sitting around the tv to eat dinner though......NAH
Here are some pics from Christmas.....
Well New Years Eve is today and although Eric wants to go out, I have never been one to celebrate the New Year, I would rather stay at home with the family and be safe.
So it might just be Savannah and I, Eric will probably go out and Josh is in LOVE right now so whatever his girlfriend wants to do he will probably do.
I am not much of a resolution person either, however this year I have a couple, to start going to church more, im lucky to go once a month right now, and to eat healthier, which since I had my daughter my resolution has been to go on a diet, never works passed a month or so, but I fiugre #1 if Curves is taking money out of my bank account every month I might as well make use of it and #2, we are eating as a family far too much junk and fried foods, so meals will be for now on on the healthy side, and it will be easier since I stopped working 2 jobs.
I hope you all have a very SAFE and FUN New Years....
I'll be looking for pics.

happy holidays! i was wondering how your holidays were going after your previous post. ;) glad to hear that it turned out well. very well!
happy new year!
Glad to hear your holidays got better! Joe would be so jealous of josh's McLovin shirt! LOL
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