This weekend we celebrated Josh's 16th birthday.....
He had a realy great weekend, we had a dinner and cake Sunday night. And Saturday him and a bunch of friends are gonna go to Rock and Bowl...I'll post some pics later.
Also Saturday he will be getting his tattoo....HELP!!!
I am kind of thinking that he is going to chicken out though, we'll see..
Erics parents got here this weekend also, last night they took us all out to Outback for Joshs actual birthday. I had a good time, I always enjoy there visits....
My new job is going good, I like it, I am not as busy as I was before but alot less stressful and alot nicer people...
Hope you all are doing well !!! Have a great week.
Cool! What a joyous moment, Happy 16th Birthday Josh ~ So handsome ekekekek....
curious minds want to know... will it be a mother & son tattoo?? ;)
yes i believe it will be, he has not quite decided, i think it will be kinda neat, but the money he has been saving for it he spent on a glove so i havent talked to him about it yet, but i think he might be chickening out...am i would be happy with that.
Happy Birthday Bud can't wait to see the tat
WOW, 16 already! Time is just flying! Have fun with the tattoos! Cant wait to see the pics. Make sure to get some DURING pics!
well it is monday did he chicken out I am dying to know call us k
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